Danick Coutu, also known as “Apollo Rising”, is an independent, alternative electronic artist, producer and vocalist based in Ottawa, Canada.
Danick grew up in a home that housed an untouched, slightly out of tune piano. While this was no Steinway & Sons, Danick felt lucky to have access to an instrument. Passionate and determined, he taught himself to play entirely by ear. His passion for music led him to pursue a post-secondary education from the Music Industry Arts program at Algonquin College with a focus on audio engineering and music production. In recent years, he has started training in classical singing.
Danick has found success as an independent act with tracks such as “Say It" and “Sanctuary". He has accumulated over 3 million streams on Spotify, with a following of over 18k monthly listeners.
Influenced by groups such as Twenty One Pilots, The Neighborhood, and electronic artists Porter Robinson and Madeon, Apollo Rising creates his own signature style of production and songwriting to stand out from the rest.
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